Men's Small Groups

Build and Repair Network.

Men’s Ministry’s Build And Repair Network (B.A.R.N.) serves widows, senior and single moms within our congregation and, at times, in the Simsbury community as well. The B.A.R.N. teams meet on the second Saturday of each month to share coffee, fellowship, and a devotion before heading off in teams to those we are assigned to help. If you are interested in serving or know of someone in need of help with repairs, yard work, cleaning or any home projects, please contact 

Men's Large Group Meeting.

The men's large group meetings are taking a break for the summer.  We will announce when we start up again in September of 2023. 

First Wednesday of each month, we gather in the Welcome Room and you're invited!


Any men age 16 and up are invited to gather from 7:30pm to 8:30pm

Disc Golf at CPC.

The Barn disc golf course uses 6 baskets to provide a 9 or 18-hole course, and each Sunday at 1:30pm a group of men from The Barn and the surrounding area go out for a round together. 


The first tee pad is next to 12 Rocks, a rock formation with a cross in the center just off of the Celebration Hall parking lot. From there, each basket has numbered arrows beneath the cage to direct you to the next tee pad. There is no fee to play, and the course is only closed for special events on the property. For course maps and to learn about temporary course closures, we recommend downloading the uDisc app (it's free, and our course's page is linked below). Loaner discs are available near the lost and found basket for those who don't have discs of their own (yet).


Men's Bible Studies.

We have Men's Bible Studies, all of which are open to new attenders. Wednesdays at 7:00pm, and Saturday mornings at 8am. For more details about joining one of these please click on the links, for more info on the overall Men's Ministry please contact


Men's studies all begin again in September. 

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